Monday, February 14, 2011

Artist To Watch 2/15/11

Skylar Grey

With her Angelic voice , 90's feel (Dido?) great falsetto ,reminds me of the acoustic 90's female singers ( Natalie Imbruglia, Dido) , makes me feel nostalgic , im sick yet still enjoying the club music and electro beats but want  something for a change, This woman , Skylar Grey just could do that. With her featuring's in ' I Need a Doctor' for Dr.Dre feat Eminem, she strikes a chord in your heart with her soaring 'falsetto', and Diddy's ' Im Coming Home' I dont quite get where she is in that song or in the video (shes white skinned and in the video they show black skinned girls--damn! where is she)

Hoe she doesnt go for Pop but Alternative sound if she becomes an Urban artist who she will stick to organic, and traditional sounds no more electro beats or techno sounds, for a change. 

Please be someone great , Im watching this woman and hope for something original, raw, natural and inspiring. Dont follow the trend , with the great voice she has , she can blow acoustics out there and strike GOLD.

I need a doctor - Dr Dre feat Skylar Grey and Eminem

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Single Of the Week 2/14

The Script
For The First Time (2010)

What a great song esp for the 'love' season which is not for me but for some, I miss alternative rock with all the club-electro music of today, this is a breath of fresh air. I knew script with " The Man Who Cant be Moved' and the better ' Breakeven' those two songs I got to know from 'em.

This one is one of their best ive heard from em with the soaring 'oohhs' through out the song and the story behind it. I give a 4/5 stars. Great track, well deserved.

The Script - For The First Time