Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ok Forgive me..,,, NOW a Cd Review

Ok guys forgive me for my ranting, I needed to blow off some steam  here, this is the only place I can do this since I dont want to tell anyone about this or am too embarassed to tell, and its to much negativity anyway..

Ok I just saw btw the Grammy Nominees some are good some are not...I like the fact that some music was recognized like Love the way you like by eminem awesome track..

5 out of 5

Btw My Review for the Good Charlotte CD, I love this CD from first listen , Good Charlotte can never dissapoint if not they make me awe because of their talent..
Punk never gets better with Good Charlotte I feel like i want to have tattoos and eyeliner and wear black clothes whenever I hear their music, I love this band since high school and I will never unlike em

The album is amazing Its starts with let the music play which is a good start , I can hear their going back to their roots but still with a flair of new sounds and some borrowed sounds from Good morning revival , The intro to Cardiology sounds nostalgic reminded me of the intro of GMR as well same style but its awesome as an opener, Counting The days, awesome track I always play this before going to work because the lyrics says ' Go to work wake up,' its like the same routine everyday and I feel I can relate to it so much , its obviously a stadium-type song were fans can jump up and down to got shouting as well in the background which people could shout to in concerts right? aint that awesome,..Silver Screen Romance , is a great fun and jumpy songs aswell, its got more of the punk flavor and talks more about love now this time, i guess they referred it to hollywood stars or movies , the first single Like Its her Birthday , which is the best I think , its the party track if not Last Night is also a great song one of the contenders, talks about one night stands LOL, I guess Joel had this back in his days, its one of the best songs ive heard in the year and hopefully they would release this., Sex on the radio is fine but still fun, I guess i hear Hillary Duff here, he mustve been pissed with her songs when he hears them on  radio .hehehe.. Alive great track to reflect life on , Standing Ovation has the Home' of daughtry vibe , i think he wrote this on a tour bus trip sounds so reminiscing and makes you think of home when your a superstar, Harlows song, sounds like a pop songs at start then you realize its about his son or daughter , joels vocals are paired with techno adjustments which is alright, The fifth Chamber ; is a electro instrumental which I think shouldnt be there its not appropriate, like a waste of cd space/time, '1979' an acoustic themed song , talks about Joel's  and Benji's past time , about their dad i think, and lets me think about their life when they were young in the 'good' times before their father left them, its a positive song makes me think about my dad as well. ' There She Goes' makes me think about a girlfriend before type of vibe then she met me again and said ive changed etc... it feels like that when i hear it, paired with violins and instrumentals reminds me of a coldplay- viva la vida track- its great, good to see good charlotte use violijns in this way...' Right Where I belong',,, one of the best tracks in the cd, makes me think about God and also to stay positive about life and live it to the fullest and ofcouse be THANKFUL of what I have, they wrote this I think when they were having the good times, enjoying life.... makes you think about it aswell one of the best songs the cd. 'Cardiology' sounds like the end of the end with breathing machine sounds and beeping heart tempo... its a great concept great end also to this 5 out of 5 cd. PUNK MUSIC in its finest

GOOD CHARLOTTE again has impressed, inspired me this time around , although the cd sales dont reflect that Worldwide how sad and undeserving, this record deserves more ; hope they release this track because this it the best of the best of 2010 and hopefully the album will summon again in the WW charts when people hear this , HOPE YOU will like aswell and I know you will:


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